Save the Sub: U-534 to be cut up

Save the Sub: U-534 to be cut up

The German U-boat, U-534, the casualty of a UK Liberator just a few weeks before the war ended, is about to be cut into several more manageable pieces by an UK entertainment company and the world is about to lose yet another major historical artifact. A petition is being circulated to hopefully prevent that.

After it was salvaged, almost entirely intact in 1993, the U-534 was supposed to be displayed in perpetuity at the Nautilus Maritime Museum in Birkenhead, Wirral (near Liverpool). With the increase in real estate values, however, high-rise condos seemed more important than this bigger-than-average historical artifact. Considering the time capsule of technology she represents and her rarity, she disserves better. Future generations disserve better.

I donít know if the petition represented by the following link will do any good, but itís better than nothing. The generations on both side of the largest conflict in history will be gone in a few years, unfortunately, an amazingly large percentage of the artifacts that tell us of that time have preceded them. Maybe this time we can think a little further ahead and not make a decision weíll rue a few years down the road.

For more information, go to

To sign the petition, go here:

Updated: July 18, 2011 — 3:22 PM
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